So, my facebook friend Jessi Phillips Speer (you can friend her too!) is working hard at rescuing horses from a kill pen in Texas. For some oddball reason, I decided I needed to rescue a horse. I have 3. I have 4 actually. One is in Kansas (she is one month old--Lacey--ooh ooh and her cousin just won the non pro reining at the NRHA Derby--the cousin, County Custom's mom is Lacey's mom's full sister....CC was ridden by Kim Dooley)
Ok but back to the rescue. Jessi described him and for some reason I decided I needed to save him. So I sent her my 400 bucks via Paypal and this is what we got: WINSTON! 4-6 years old, broke to ride and sweet as can be. Can't wait to get him here and I can already tell I am going to be real particular when it comes to finding him a new home (although there is someone who is already interested!)
Tabooli went on a ranch vacation with his dad, Peter. They are up near Tres Piedras (TP)--um I think that is where there are anyway, and Tabooli probably is getting to pack a little and hopefully push a few cows. I was DYING to go too (not that I was actually invited--was just going to stow away in the trailer!), but had hay delivered and stacked today (super nice for 5.40 a bale--it was like winning the lottery!), and am going to the Pecos Wilderness tomorrow to pack out some trail workers, which will also be fun! (But I am afraid it might also be very wet....)
This week Peter came to ride Tabooli and it went pretty well, but Tabooli was a bit of a butt on the loping. He was tight and wanted to hop around with me, he didn't steer great, and he wasnt forward enough. Now granted he has only 30 rides and I have been taking him really slow, but you know I wanted him to look perfect. He is trotting really nicely though and he did listen very hard and did what he thought he was supposed to do for Peter, um well, most of the time!!! Tabooli will be back tomorrow I think.
MAY is doing much better after two applications of Shoshana's magic scratches formula. The vet informed me that this was NOT scratches but was a photosenstivity reaction....I think I mentioned that...whatever it is, the magic potion is helping. Should have redone the application today...but I am just done for the day.
Penny had some really nice ring days thsi week and some not so nice ring days. I keep thinking I can use a snaffle and improve her lightness, but I just am not doing well. I just need to stick with the shank bit (except when I work cows with her--Mark suggests I stick with a snaffle in case I end up in her mouth accidentally, not that this would EVER happen to me!!)
I am still trying to get her withers up more and her poll and jaw soft at the lope. To the right we are ok but no so much to the left. More flexibiity exercises and TIME. I just need to tell myself: I HAVE TIME, a al Kathleen, a la Colonel Podhasky (spelling is in question), a dressage guy that rode Lipizanners whose book My Horses My Teachers, I read in high school; my friend Kathleen is reading it right now--she read it TWICE IN A ROW. That is how much she liked it. Now I need to reread it....
RISA is naturally very light in her face and up in the shoulders. Her new nickname is Fussbudget (Cheryl N--right on!) due to her over all cranky pessimistic outlook. But she just cracks me up and I love the light catty feel of her to ride. She is a dinky one--14.1, but man she is quick. Her lope is improving little by little (although she wrings her tail 1/2 the time!). Her flying lead changes are starting to be more consistent in response to cues. She pretty natural at them, so it is easy to set her up to get them. Working slowly toward all on cue changes.
When Risa goes with a quiet mouth and a quiet tail, while doing all the cool athletic thngs she can do, I will be so proud. Don't hold your breath though. I think it will take 2 more years, at least!
Penny and Risa both worked cows on weds. Penny is pretty low key aobut it but interested, Risa got very animaated but had one tremendous turn. Other wise, I am pretty much walking her behind the cows, letting her just get a feel for it all. It was her first go at it after the "i will kill Leon the burro!" attempt 6 weeks ago or so. Probably won't take her this week as I will take Tabooli instead...and with a 3 horse trailer, I think one stud with Vicks in his nose, a empty space, and one filly, is about all I can do.
THOR the gaited pinto came today. He is cute as a button with a beautiful black and white mane and a lovely arched neck that he carries with great style. He hasn't been ridden in a year and is not sure about having to go back to work, but a little ground work showed he is a pretty willing guy. I also rode him out and about (he was supposed to be very good out) and he was tense and a little jiggy and snorty, but his feet generally moved forward, not sideways. I thougth he did awesome for having been off for so long. Also, it seems that maybe he often got his way instead of the rider's way, so he is a teensy bit willful at times.
Coyotes are yipping out back and I need to go get some supper and pack up for tomorrow! Until next week.
Oh hey --I have a Friday blog, too on the website of my friend and author Doranna Durgin. Here is the link: My page/ blog thingie is called The Write Horse.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A lot can happen in a week!
Congratulations to Richard!
Richard bought a beautfiul buckskin (love that color!) Kentucky Mountain horse and took him to the Pecos 6/19/2010. They did great--stayed over night, high altitude, steep climbs, water, bogs, other horses, tying to trees..all fantatistic. (I didn't get a picture!) Yeah! More on the Pecos farther down.
Tabooli. Lost a shoe, but got my size 0 easy boot epic on so can still ride him!
He pulled that shoe off when he was running and playing. He was out grazing on the dead cheat grass--this place is beginning to look like much for perennial grasses--we are getting over run with short-lived annuals and after the initial green rush of spring they die. Now there are big swathes of straw-colored dead grasses. "Forutnately, they are still tasty!" says Tabooli.
The neighbor kids came to the upper fence and the horsie girls all took off to see what they were up to. Tabooli, being in a different pen (being a stud and all) was quite miffed that he was left out. So he began running, bucking and sliding at the fence. After all that, I found his missing shoe. He caught his hind foot on the edge of his front shoe and pulled it off.
Riding-wise we are up to ride 27! He is getting lighter and trotting really well both in and out of the arena! Upward bit pressure, lateral work and always trying for immediate release is working. Also, I am working to keep him improving off my leg, too, so I can use the reins less. He doesn't need a show frame--he is going out on the trail, but he does need to be responsive.
Loping is also steadily improving. Our biggest day was Thursday 6/17. We rode out in an open field where I have ridden enough that I have scribed a big circle. He loped out there on the circle--first time loping outside of an arena. He picked up both leads (with a little struggle to set up the right lead without a fence to work against--took a few tries!). he was pretty relaxed about it, too!
Still need to work on:
1. standing still right after mounting. He was so good at that to start with I let it slide. Mistake. Must reinforce that now. I get on. he just stands there.
2. Whoa. He stops fine, but I'd like it to be a little more direct and softer--always softer.
3. Soft in general. He is, as I have mentioned, not super soft naturally, so it has to be built in him.
He is slated to go home at the end of the month....10 days to hoo! But he is far enough along mainly he just need the ol wet saddle blanket treatment--ride him.
May and Scratches. According to one vet, it is not scratches but a photosensitivity event that leads to skin inflamation, cracking and bleeding. I have changed her diet to grass because some alfalfa's can contribute to this. I have her in the most shaded pen. I keep treating the cracks with MTG and keeping her legs covered, but her left back leg is somewhat swollen and painful and doesn't want to respond. She is relaxed and friendly, but that one leg hurts!
I have a friend with a magic cure for this---don't have all the details yet, but she said to shave the leg and I am scared to do that....less protection from the sun!!!! Will find out more about it.....
Penny and Risa. Both are doing well. I am still working on Penny's softness and suppleness and I like how she is doing. Her lope is becomng more up in the withers, but she still will stiffen her neck and jaw, so have to keep dong flexibility exercises and pay attention to my hands. I am also riding her out on the trails a few times a week. She likes to get out of the arena. Sometimes I pony Risa and sometimes Risa ponies Penny.
Penny is a good lead horse (and now she does water and mud with little effort AND she learned to drink from streams this Pecos trip.) Penny is also good at being the ponied horse. Risa is the lead mare in the herd, so Penny naturally follows her. Plus Penny, takes a lot of things in stride.
Risa is super sensitive which I love, but it is also hard sometimes because it is easy to cause her to feel that I am being too hard on her. At the same time that she is senstiive, she is not always interested in cooperating, so getting the balance between her sensitivity and convincing her she needs to give it a try is interesting and fun.
Risa is also working on learning to pack and she is carrying real loads (we've done 2 real loads so far). On the trip this weekend, the Pecos Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen
brought tools and supplies in for a group that is doing trail work this week in the Pecos Wilderness. Risa carried food (coffee--it smelled great! and tables that roll up.)
Risa has a large personal "bubble, and doesn't like to be crowded on the trail. Her problem is complicated: She is the lead mare so wants to boss all new horses; and she is afraid at the same time. And she becomes is herd bound when in new places. She seems to figure that her best defense is a strong offense!!! As with most things, time and repetition will allow her to be more at ease.
Risa is doing well on water crossings and is drinking from streams also. This seems like no biggie, but some horses just won't do it and run the risk of dehydration in the back country. Mud bogs--not so much--still jumping those. Wish I had a photo of her 10 foot leap from a stand still. She got high as well! While fully loaded.
In the arena: Risa is loping better and better. Lead changes are doing well, spins are coming along, as it stopping. As her mind quiets, her catty, light and quickness will be channeled. She is multi-faceted and I am really enjoying bringing out her best qualities.
The Pecos trip was really fun this weekend and hope to go back next week. During the week, we will do arena work as well as some trail and ponying work. And if the weather cooperates--cow work on both Risa and Penny!
Richard bought a beautfiul buckskin (love that color!) Kentucky Mountain horse and took him to the Pecos 6/19/2010. They did great--stayed over night, high altitude, steep climbs, water, bogs, other horses, tying to trees..all fantatistic. (I didn't get a picture!) Yeah! More on the Pecos farther down.
Tabooli. Lost a shoe, but got my size 0 easy boot epic on so can still ride him!
He pulled that shoe off when he was running and playing. He was out grazing on the dead cheat grass--this place is beginning to look like much for perennial grasses--we are getting over run with short-lived annuals and after the initial green rush of spring they die. Now there are big swathes of straw-colored dead grasses. "Forutnately, they are still tasty!" says Tabooli.
The neighbor kids came to the upper fence and the horsie girls all took off to see what they were up to. Tabooli, being in a different pen (being a stud and all) was quite miffed that he was left out. So he began running, bucking and sliding at the fence. After all that, I found his missing shoe. He caught his hind foot on the edge of his front shoe and pulled it off.
Riding-wise we are up to ride 27! He is getting lighter and trotting really well both in and out of the arena! Upward bit pressure, lateral work and always trying for immediate release is working. Also, I am working to keep him improving off my leg, too, so I can use the reins less. He doesn't need a show frame--he is going out on the trail, but he does need to be responsive.
Loping is also steadily improving. Our biggest day was Thursday 6/17. We rode out in an open field where I have ridden enough that I have scribed a big circle. He loped out there on the circle--first time loping outside of an arena. He picked up both leads (with a little struggle to set up the right lead without a fence to work against--took a few tries!). he was pretty relaxed about it, too!
Still need to work on:
1. standing still right after mounting. He was so good at that to start with I let it slide. Mistake. Must reinforce that now. I get on. he just stands there.
2. Whoa. He stops fine, but I'd like it to be a little more direct and softer--always softer.
3. Soft in general. He is, as I have mentioned, not super soft naturally, so it has to be built in him.
He is slated to go home at the end of the month....10 days to hoo! But he is far enough along mainly he just need the ol wet saddle blanket treatment--ride him.
May and Scratches. According to one vet, it is not scratches but a photosensitivity event that leads to skin inflamation, cracking and bleeding. I have changed her diet to grass because some alfalfa's can contribute to this. I have her in the most shaded pen. I keep treating the cracks with MTG and keeping her legs covered, but her left back leg is somewhat swollen and painful and doesn't want to respond. She is relaxed and friendly, but that one leg hurts!
I have a friend with a magic cure for this---don't have all the details yet, but she said to shave the leg and I am scared to do that....less protection from the sun!!!! Will find out more about it.....
Penny and Risa. Both are doing well. I am still working on Penny's softness and suppleness and I like how she is doing. Her lope is becomng more up in the withers, but she still will stiffen her neck and jaw, so have to keep dong flexibility exercises and pay attention to my hands. I am also riding her out on the trails a few times a week. She likes to get out of the arena. Sometimes I pony Risa and sometimes Risa ponies Penny.
Penny is a good lead horse (and now she does water and mud with little effort AND she learned to drink from streams this Pecos trip.) Penny is also good at being the ponied horse. Risa is the lead mare in the herd, so Penny naturally follows her. Plus Penny, takes a lot of things in stride.
Risa is super sensitive which I love, but it is also hard sometimes because it is easy to cause her to feel that I am being too hard on her. At the same time that she is senstiive, she is not always interested in cooperating, so getting the balance between her sensitivity and convincing her she needs to give it a try is interesting and fun.
Loaded with 100 pounds. The blue thing is a table.
Risa is also working on learning to pack and she is carrying real loads (we've done 2 real loads so far). On the trip this weekend, the Pecos Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen
brought tools and supplies in for a group that is doing trail work this week in the Pecos Wilderness. Risa carried food (coffee--it smelled great! and tables that roll up.)
I think you are getting a little close there Buddy!
Risa has a large personal "bubble, and doesn't like to be crowded on the trail. Her problem is complicated: She is the lead mare so wants to boss all new horses; and she is afraid at the same time. And she becomes is herd bound when in new places. She seems to figure that her best defense is a strong offense!!! As with most things, time and repetition will allow her to be more at ease.
Risa is doing well on water crossings and is drinking from streams also. This seems like no biggie, but some horses just won't do it and run the risk of dehydration in the back country. Mud bogs--not so much--still jumping those. Wish I had a photo of her 10 foot leap from a stand still. She got high as well! While fully loaded.
In the arena: Risa is loping better and better. Lead changes are doing well, spins are coming along, as it stopping. As her mind quiets, her catty, light and quickness will be channeled. She is multi-faceted and I am really enjoying bringing out her best qualities.
The Pecos trip was really fun this weekend and hope to go back next week. During the week, we will do arena work as well as some trail and ponying work. And if the weather cooperates--cow work on both Risa and Penny!
Monday, June 14, 2010
May is back for just 2 weeks while her mom is on vacation in Alaska!
While May was home, Linda rode her all around the neighborhood and on a trail ride or two. Everything went great!!! May is a bit of a looky-looer still, but she handled a weedeater without a problem The whine of those things can send a horse (um Risa) right out their skins if they have never heard them before!
Scratches. May's got 'em. Scratches is an interesting, if annoying, ailment. It causes the skin to become inflamed, and crusty and split. Like an extreme case of chapped lips (X100) on the back of the pasterns. Plus it spreads.
What is the cause? Well, some combination of bacterial, fungal, and viral agents plus photosensitivity. The exact agents vary from case to case, but the photosensitivity seems to be related to diets high in this part of the world, we are talking alfalfa. It almost exclusively occurs on white feet--and May has 3 of those!
The cure: If you look on line, the "cures" are many and varied! But man the stuff is hard to get rid of, until winter when the cold and lower light levels often allow it to go away on its own. But here is what I am doing, courtesy of Dr. Dralle and Albuquerque Equine:
1. gloves on
2. Glob furazone on the affected areas (softens and is antibiotic--kills stuff)
3. Wrap it all in splastic food wrap (right around the leg)
4. Wrap that with a piece of the old mattress pad.
5. Wrap that with a polo wrap.
6. Repeat every 2 days until the affected areas look pink and not covered in crispy crusties.
7. It could take a while.....2 weeks?
8. Apply (off the internet) a mix of cortisol (anti-inflamatory) desitin (yep the baby butt stuff--soothing, has zinc oxide so should decrease light exposure) and tiple anitibiotic (that one is yep--antibiotic)
9. Cover and wrap until the hair starts to grow back....
So, did steps 1-5. May thought I was attemping to cut off the circulation in her legs. Nevermind that I have done this before and no one ever lost a limb. She was not convinced. Took her to the arena and rode at the walk, working on flexing side to side and vertically, turning, stopping etc etc. It was not long before the saran wrap slid out from under the right hind job and flapped around her foot, prompting stomping. Fixed that. Turned her out, rode Tabooli.
By the time I got back, she had removed the wrap from the front leg, along with partial shredding of the polo. She left the debris for me to clean up in the pasture. So kind.
Rewrapped and tied her up while I rode Penny and Risa. By this morning....wrap off.
New plan formulated at 5:45 this morning as I got ready to feed: Rewarp, isolate he in her own pen, feed her (oh yeah put her on grass and off alfalfa); hope she paces all day instead of messing with her wrap. That worked, except, she didn't pace! She was relaxed as a clam (how can you tell clams are relaxed---they have a shell--???) and her wraps were intact!
Tomorrow the unveiling will occur....more than likely: Good progress and repeat steps 1-5 again!
RISA: Is getting more and more cooperative! She is either reaching her vit B threshold or she is starting to mature a little--or a combo. Either way I like it. She will have her work cut out for her Saturday--20 miles in the Pecos.....She'll be packin'....
PENNY: The bigger bit is working. She is softer. Her lope is slwoing down but I must really work on rythym and drive to keep her from getting mechanical--it should look natural, if you ask me. Trouble is I can feel it, but I can't see it. It feels pretty good.
TABOOLI: He is out grazing for the evening. Today was ride 24. He is riding well at the walk and trot. His whoa could be better, but it is decent. We really worked on moving off my left leg because he has been reluctiant to do that. Today went well and he also picked up both leads well, instead of giving me grief over the right lead--well did it well most of the time.
Did have a steering issue at the lope. He gets stiff and heavy still, so I have to keep him pointed in the right direction and use a lot of leg to keep him from bending his head one way and leaving his shoulder out the other. Focus!
He will put his head down and hump up for a step or two--so far no breaking in two, and I don't expect much more than what he has shown me because he doesn't play hard in his pen (and it is a big pen--lots of room to cut loose), but that needs to quit. So here are the options I use: Push him faster and through it, bend him to a stop, make him move his hip and get going again, hold my hands higher and keep his head up. All work to redirect.
Tabooli will go home at the end of the month as will May. Donati the Fjord will be coming for the weeks leading up to the Fjord evaluations in Colorado, so we will have fun gettng ready for that!
May is back for just 2 weeks while her mom is on vacation in Alaska!
While May was home, Linda rode her all around the neighborhood and on a trail ride or two. Everything went great!!! May is a bit of a looky-looer still, but she handled a weedeater without a problem The whine of those things can send a horse (um Risa) right out their skins if they have never heard them before!
Scratches. May's got 'em. Scratches is an interesting, if annoying, ailment. It causes the skin to become inflamed, and crusty and split. Like an extreme case of chapped lips (X100) on the back of the pasterns. Plus it spreads.
What is the cause? Well, some combination of bacterial, fungal, and viral agents plus photosensitivity. The exact agents vary from case to case, but the photosensitivity seems to be related to diets high in this part of the world, we are talking alfalfa. It almost exclusively occurs on white feet--and May has 3 of those!
The cure: If you look on line, the "cures" are many and varied! But man the stuff is hard to get rid of, until winter when the cold and lower light levels often allow it to go away on its own. But here is what I am doing, courtesy of Dr. Dralle and Albuquerque Equine:
1. gloves on
2. Glob furazone on the affected areas (softens and is antibiotic--kills stuff)
3. Wrap it all in splastic food wrap (right around the leg)
4. Wrap that with a piece of the old mattress pad.
5. Wrap that with a polo wrap.
6. Repeat every 2 days until the affected areas look pink and not covered in crispy crusties.
7. It could take a while.....2 weeks?
8. Apply (off the internet) a mix of cortisol (anti-inflamatory) desitin (yep the baby butt stuff--soothing, has zinc oxide so should decrease light exposure) and tiple anitibiotic (that one is yep--antibiotic)
9. Cover and wrap until the hair starts to grow back....
So, did steps 1-5. May thought I was attemping to cut off the circulation in her legs. Nevermind that I have done this before and no one ever lost a limb. She was not convinced. Took her to the arena and rode at the walk, working on flexing side to side and vertically, turning, stopping etc etc. It was not long before the saran wrap slid out from under the right hind job and flapped around her foot, prompting stomping. Fixed that. Turned her out, rode Tabooli.
By the time I got back, she had removed the wrap from the front leg, along with partial shredding of the polo. She left the debris for me to clean up in the pasture. So kind.
Rewrapped and tied her up while I rode Penny and Risa. By this morning....wrap off.
New plan formulated at 5:45 this morning as I got ready to feed: Rewarp, isolate he in her own pen, feed her (oh yeah put her on grass and off alfalfa); hope she paces all day instead of messing with her wrap. That worked, except, she didn't pace! She was relaxed as a clam (how can you tell clams are relaxed---they have a shell--???) and her wraps were intact!
Tomorrow the unveiling will occur....more than likely: Good progress and repeat steps 1-5 again!
RISA: Is getting more and more cooperative! She is either reaching her vit B threshold or she is starting to mature a little--or a combo. Either way I like it. She will have her work cut out for her Saturday--20 miles in the Pecos.....She'll be packin'....
PENNY: The bigger bit is working. She is softer. Her lope is slwoing down but I must really work on rythym and drive to keep her from getting mechanical--it should look natural, if you ask me. Trouble is I can feel it, but I can't see it. It feels pretty good.
TABOOLI: He is out grazing for the evening. Today was ride 24. He is riding well at the walk and trot. His whoa could be better, but it is decent. We really worked on moving off my left leg because he has been reluctiant to do that. Today went well and he also picked up both leads well, instead of giving me grief over the right lead--well did it well most of the time.
Did have a steering issue at the lope. He gets stiff and heavy still, so I have to keep him pointed in the right direction and use a lot of leg to keep him from bending his head one way and leaving his shoulder out the other. Focus!
He will put his head down and hump up for a step or two--so far no breaking in two, and I don't expect much more than what he has shown me because he doesn't play hard in his pen (and it is a big pen--lots of room to cut loose), but that needs to quit. So here are the options I use: Push him faster and through it, bend him to a stop, make him move his hip and get going again, hold my hands higher and keep his head up. All work to redirect.
Tabooli will go home at the end of the month as will May. Donati the Fjord will be coming for the weeks leading up to the Fjord evaluations in Colorado, so we will have fun gettng ready for that!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Riding in the Brush = Torn Clothes or Wow it was HOT at the Show.
Tabooli: Rides 18 and 19. 6/5 and 6/7.
Time to start seeing the neighborhood! He is so calm in my arena, (except when some random thing scares him and he skedaddles, but we will ignore that...) I decided to take him out. Both days he got tense as we left familiar surroundings and our rides progressed like this. Tabooli: I can't go any further. Me: Ok, let's stop and take a look. Tabooli: I can't stand still any longer! Me: Ok, let's move along. We'd go a little ways and he'd see some new thing-- and we have the same conversation all over again, with variations such as: I cannot go in a straight line from here to there because there is a THING over there. Me: Listen to my leg and move over. Tabooli. Ok........No. I cannot do that right now. Me: I think you can. Tabooli. Oh...well, Ok I 'll try. Me: Good job! Tabooli: There is a THING over there! Repeat! To give him credit, he got better!
With my hands, I kept asking him for lightness in his face. Two hands and wait for a flexion following by immediate release. Then a little lateral flexion, sometimes with a little leg to ask for a sideways movement, with immediate release. These both work to refocus, but generally are not very hard for the horse. Sometimes, I got no response from Tabooli so more pressure was needed, followed my an immediate release when I got a try.
Key: Don't nag, but don't give up until getting a try and then RELEASE. Easier said than done, and if not done the result is heaviness. If done right, you can get light without having to argue with the horse's face. Let me just say, I try, but I don't always get light right away, and then I have to go back and figure out how to fix it. A bigger bit is the easiest, to be honest. And sometimes that will create a permanent solution. Plenty of training articles talk about bit progression when the horse gets heavy on the current bit....hmmm. I feel that when my horses are Penny right was a training fault. My solution for Penny? Bigger bit. Why? because I know it will work and it is pretty easy. I am totally happy with this? Nope.
Over grown trail = torn clothes.
Took Risa down to the little canyon the other day, where she walked over water....I honestly think she may not have noticed it because it was in a little dtich and there was a lot of grass. Plus, she didn't really hesitate, and she is the Queen of Hesitate. Tabooli has got nothing on her. I walked some because the trail was too overgrown for a rider on horseback. The cienega by the old cotton wood has changed since I went there last, years ago. It has silted up and the standing water has moved up stream a little. The boggy spot is no longer boggy, but there was lush grass!
I mounted up and we began to climb out of the canyon. I ducked under junipers and broke old pinon branches. I sort of waded through the live branches and leaned away from others. In some places the tree trunks were crowding the trail and I had to be careful of my legs.....and then, the outside of my pants at the ankle area snagged on something...Risa was pushing up an incline. My foot was still snagged and was gettng left behind. Hmm--this could be interesting...I may just end up coming off the over the back of the saddle while Risa heads on up the trail. My leg was pretty far back toward her hip, when RIIIIP, my pants tore and my foot came loose. Much easier than dismounting over her butt!
This latest rip goes with the missing buttons on my long (sun protection) sleeve riding blouses--don't jump in a western saddle unless your shirt is tucked in because otherwise, the shirt hooks over the horn and when you land, the buttons rip off. I also have shoulder rips from ducking around trees on those over grown trails. I think I destroyed any hope my daughter had of becoming a horse person because when she was little I used to take her riding on the trails and invariably, we'd end up going through something and she'd get scratched....She didn't cry or complain, but she stopped wanting to ride with me....Bad mom card...
100 in the shade.
That describes the show on 6/6. In the shade, with a breeze, it was quite bearable, but when I left the shade for the arena, it felt like stepping into a spot-lighted oven. "Blazing" actually describes the situation quite well! Penny handled it with aplomb except for getting duller as the day progressed. She did very well in English, all first or seconds, but in western, with a different snaffle, she was dull and flat. In trail, she could not quite make one turn and pick up the correct lead, and for this I don't harbour any ill will. It was a tough maneuver and she is not quite there yet. Faster response time and a lighter feel in the face would have surely helped though, so will work on I have been nagging her somewhere.....
How to make Risa rideable at a show:
1. Double her vitamin B the night before and the day of. (she is the only one that gets Vit. B and it really does help her stay more focussed)
2. Lunge her when you get there until she settles down (30 minutes)
3. Tie her to the trailer and let her bake (actually she was in deep shade with food and water, but it was still hot no matter how you look at it.)
4. Lunge her again.
I did all that and went to talk to my friends Liz and Chance. Risa stood there a sweet as could be. But when I went to leave, we had to walk off the grass onto the dirt.....Oh heavens no! You'd think I was asking her to step off a cliff into an abyss
Made it to the warm up arena and I had to keep remindng her to PAY ATTENTION! (flex your neck, go sideways, turn, stop, back etc). At this point in her training I don't care that much where her head is, so long as when I use the reins, she responds and she looks where she is going. She is naturally pretty light, so despite her extreme looky-looness, she responds. Here is waht I was albe to do: Lope large medium speed circles in both directions, perform flying lead changes (she is a natural), slide 8 feet form a lope, and get some energetic tries at spinning and nice free backing. Wow!. So, I want to rein on her, and was aiming at State fair in September for a first run. Can I order the extreme heat ahead of time? Or maybe I can bring a heat lamp. Ok that is just scary because PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO THAT to their horses. Ugh.
Have any torn clothes or extreme heat stories? Love to hear them!!!
Time to start seeing the neighborhood! He is so calm in my arena, (except when some random thing scares him and he skedaddles, but we will ignore that...) I decided to take him out. Both days he got tense as we left familiar surroundings and our rides progressed like this. Tabooli: I can't go any further. Me: Ok, let's stop and take a look. Tabooli: I can't stand still any longer! Me: Ok, let's move along. We'd go a little ways and he'd see some new thing-- and we have the same conversation all over again, with variations such as: I cannot go in a straight line from here to there because there is a THING over there. Me: Listen to my leg and move over. Tabooli. Ok........No. I cannot do that right now. Me: I think you can. Tabooli. Oh...well, Ok I 'll try. Me: Good job! Tabooli: There is a THING over there! Repeat! To give him credit, he got better!
With my hands, I kept asking him for lightness in his face. Two hands and wait for a flexion following by immediate release. Then a little lateral flexion, sometimes with a little leg to ask for a sideways movement, with immediate release. These both work to refocus, but generally are not very hard for the horse. Sometimes, I got no response from Tabooli so more pressure was needed, followed my an immediate release when I got a try.
Key: Don't nag, but don't give up until getting a try and then RELEASE. Easier said than done, and if not done the result is heaviness. If done right, you can get light without having to argue with the horse's face. Let me just say, I try, but I don't always get light right away, and then I have to go back and figure out how to fix it. A bigger bit is the easiest, to be honest. And sometimes that will create a permanent solution. Plenty of training articles talk about bit progression when the horse gets heavy on the current bit....hmmm. I feel that when my horses are Penny right was a training fault. My solution for Penny? Bigger bit. Why? because I know it will work and it is pretty easy. I am totally happy with this? Nope.
Over grown trail = torn clothes.
Took Risa down to the little canyon the other day, where she walked over water....I honestly think she may not have noticed it because it was in a little dtich and there was a lot of grass. Plus, she didn't really hesitate, and she is the Queen of Hesitate. Tabooli has got nothing on her. I walked some because the trail was too overgrown for a rider on horseback. The cienega by the old cotton wood has changed since I went there last, years ago. It has silted up and the standing water has moved up stream a little. The boggy spot is no longer boggy, but there was lush grass!
I mounted up and we began to climb out of the canyon. I ducked under junipers and broke old pinon branches. I sort of waded through the live branches and leaned away from others. In some places the tree trunks were crowding the trail and I had to be careful of my legs.....and then, the outside of my pants at the ankle area snagged on something...Risa was pushing up an incline. My foot was still snagged and was gettng left behind. Hmm--this could be interesting...I may just end up coming off the over the back of the saddle while Risa heads on up the trail. My leg was pretty far back toward her hip, when RIIIIP, my pants tore and my foot came loose. Much easier than dismounting over her butt!
This latest rip goes with the missing buttons on my long (sun protection) sleeve riding blouses--don't jump in a western saddle unless your shirt is tucked in because otherwise, the shirt hooks over the horn and when you land, the buttons rip off. I also have shoulder rips from ducking around trees on those over grown trails. I think I destroyed any hope my daughter had of becoming a horse person because when she was little I used to take her riding on the trails and invariably, we'd end up going through something and she'd get scratched....She didn't cry or complain, but she stopped wanting to ride with me....Bad mom card...
100 in the shade.
That describes the show on 6/6. In the shade, with a breeze, it was quite bearable, but when I left the shade for the arena, it felt like stepping into a spot-lighted oven. "Blazing" actually describes the situation quite well! Penny handled it with aplomb except for getting duller as the day progressed. She did very well in English, all first or seconds, but in western, with a different snaffle, she was dull and flat. In trail, she could not quite make one turn and pick up the correct lead, and for this I don't harbour any ill will. It was a tough maneuver and she is not quite there yet. Faster response time and a lighter feel in the face would have surely helped though, so will work on I have been nagging her somewhere.....
How to make Risa rideable at a show:
1. Double her vitamin B the night before and the day of. (she is the only one that gets Vit. B and it really does help her stay more focussed)
2. Lunge her when you get there until she settles down (30 minutes)
3. Tie her to the trailer and let her bake (actually she was in deep shade with food and water, but it was still hot no matter how you look at it.)
4. Lunge her again.
I did all that and went to talk to my friends Liz and Chance. Risa stood there a sweet as could be. But when I went to leave, we had to walk off the grass onto the dirt.....Oh heavens no! You'd think I was asking her to step off a cliff into an abyss
Made it to the warm up arena and I had to keep remindng her to PAY ATTENTION! (flex your neck, go sideways, turn, stop, back etc). At this point in her training I don't care that much where her head is, so long as when I use the reins, she responds and she looks where she is going. She is naturally pretty light, so despite her extreme looky-looness, she responds. Here is waht I was albe to do: Lope large medium speed circles in both directions, perform flying lead changes (she is a natural), slide 8 feet form a lope, and get some energetic tries at spinning and nice free backing. Wow!. So, I want to rein on her, and was aiming at State fair in September for a first run. Can I order the extreme heat ahead of time? Or maybe I can bring a heat lamp. Ok that is just scary because PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO THAT to their horses. Ugh.
Have any torn clothes or extreme heat stories? Love to hear them!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tabooli the trail boy and Risa's evil rubber matting
Rides 16 and 17 (6/2 and 3). Tabooli survived the weekend as an only horse--everyone else went to the Pecos. The neighbors fed him of course! Had to work Tues all day so got on him yesterday and today. Yesterday, we did arena work and he is definitely a hanger on the bit kinda guy, but his steering is gettng softer, very very gradually. He still gaps his mouth at the bit pressure (and I know this because he is not wearing a cavesson--to wear one or not.... I am going with not so I can see when they have gotten the quiet mouth idea on their own....will use a cavesson if I want to get there faster on a show prospect someitmes....there is more to that story, but haven't time now).... Tabooli usually doens't lighten up right away! We are doing lots of turning and flexing and movng his hips and shoulders. He is loping complete circles on both leads, although he preferred the right lead 6/2.
Got him out on the rocky loop and he was just a s nice as ever. When we hit the road, there were cycliists, so I got off, but the bikes didn't bother him!
Bushwackin' was the word of the day for 6/3. We headed out to a trail that was over grown, so I tied him and trimmed some branches with my handly dandy saddle saw, complete with scabbard. I drug branches by him. He thought the branches were annoying but not especially frightening!
Once the low hangers were out of the way, we made it over some rough terrain to the bottom of a small canyon. The grass is still green there. There are sand stone? cliffs with deep holes in their sides that are filled with old dried leaves and pine needles.. I kept thinking there should be petroglyphs, but I didn't see any.
Scrambled up the other side, over big flat stones covered with grey-green flaking lichens and padded (or slickified, depending on your point of view) with ponderosa needles. Tabooli just motored on up! He isn't light in his steering (we are working on it, really we are!) so there was a bit of hauling him around the trees while I ducked under branches, but since he is not in a huge hurry, it worked all right. Got up to an old road that I haven't been to in years. I was looking forward to dropping down to the big cottonwood tree and the cienega--where there used to be water year round. The cliffs pinch together there, so maybe that is why there is water...but it was fenced off. It might be possible to get there by going down the canyon instead. That used to be impassable, but there was livestock on this land for a few years and they broke down some of the thick veg in the canyon bottom to get to the grass. Or there is always the saw......
6/2 with Penny: We are aiming at a show this weekend, so I did arena work and I am really pleased with the progress her WP lope has made. D. came by and we rode togther in the arena and then hit the botancial trail. The James Penstemmon is in full swing, but the dry weather has withered the cheat grass and the fox tails so it doesn't look as lush around here as it did a few weeks ago! The bigger buckwheat is starting to send up flower talks, a composite that I called Bahia (but I was wrong and I can't recall what it really is) is also onthe verge of blooming. The scarlet guara is flowering too!
Penny was loath to lead and I swear she was just trying to embarass me in public--after I bragged on what a great trail horse she was in the Pecos. THEN, she refused to cross an erosion ditch. We have been over this trail, what? 50 or 100 times in her life and she has never once refused or even really given it a second look. I actually GOT OFF and led her across. Sheesh! (and then we went back, and forth and back and I got on and rode). Duncan the Lippi had NO problems and he has been over that ditch only about 6 times.
6/3 and the ditch. Rode there alone, and kept her moving forward. Guess what? She went right over.
RISA PEESA 6/3. She got off until today! I mounted up near the pasture gate and rode toward the strip of rubber stall matting that has been lying by the tie racks for 2 months. Risa walks by or over it at least 4 days week, twice each day--over and back. Today, she refused it, then put her foot on it, yanked it off the mat as if her foot were on fire then levitated straight up and over it. Athletical little cuss. But my question is "what in the tarnation is she thinking?" Does it morph at night and schlep about like some sort of evil black shadow and then just lay there during the day waiting to suck in unsuspecting horses? Apparently Risa is the only one that suspects its true nature because everyone else just traipses right over as if it were barely there. Even May.
Used the thin bit with a German Martingale on her today. She seems to like it. Worked on soft turns, lookng for the release; sideways; neck, poll and hip flexibility. The did some leg yeilds against the fence and asked for a lope. Got a wonderful soft lope almost the instant I asked. That only lasted 4-5 steps but I'd say there is potential there and it is finally peeking it's head out! Maybe the Pecos packing job did her good. Hope she liked it because she is on the docket for 2 more pack jobs in June in the Pecos....!
My 5:30 lesson showed up and Risa didn't react too much to the trailer, but the two boys popping out of the grass at random intervals suptised her! Of course I was talking on the phone when she gave the big sideways. Not super pretty but not a horn grabber, so we have that. She got over the boys, as she ought, and was able to do more loping around the lunging lesson horse, so that was very good.
C. got her horse to set up and pick up the left lead, not by giving a cue and hoping, but by really wating for him to give her his head, pushing his hip and driving him quietly into it. He rounded up and took it. Very cool! meanwhile, Risa waited for the lesson to end by standing quietly tied to a tree. Will wonders never cease! I thnk more packing for the girl if it will keep her attitude in check!!!!
Got him out on the rocky loop and he was just a s nice as ever. When we hit the road, there were cycliists, so I got off, but the bikes didn't bother him!
Bushwackin' was the word of the day for 6/3. We headed out to a trail that was over grown, so I tied him and trimmed some branches with my handly dandy saddle saw, complete with scabbard. I drug branches by him. He thought the branches were annoying but not especially frightening!
Once the low hangers were out of the way, we made it over some rough terrain to the bottom of a small canyon. The grass is still green there. There are sand stone? cliffs with deep holes in their sides that are filled with old dried leaves and pine needles.. I kept thinking there should be petroglyphs, but I didn't see any.
Scrambled up the other side, over big flat stones covered with grey-green flaking lichens and padded (or slickified, depending on your point of view) with ponderosa needles. Tabooli just motored on up! He isn't light in his steering (we are working on it, really we are!) so there was a bit of hauling him around the trees while I ducked under branches, but since he is not in a huge hurry, it worked all right. Got up to an old road that I haven't been to in years. I was looking forward to dropping down to the big cottonwood tree and the cienega--where there used to be water year round. The cliffs pinch together there, so maybe that is why there is water...but it was fenced off. It might be possible to get there by going down the canyon instead. That used to be impassable, but there was livestock on this land for a few years and they broke down some of the thick veg in the canyon bottom to get to the grass. Or there is always the saw......
6/2 with Penny: We are aiming at a show this weekend, so I did arena work and I am really pleased with the progress her WP lope has made. D. came by and we rode togther in the arena and then hit the botancial trail. The James Penstemmon is in full swing, but the dry weather has withered the cheat grass and the fox tails so it doesn't look as lush around here as it did a few weeks ago! The bigger buckwheat is starting to send up flower talks, a composite that I called Bahia (but I was wrong and I can't recall what it really is) is also onthe verge of blooming. The scarlet guara is flowering too!
Penny was loath to lead and I swear she was just trying to embarass me in public--after I bragged on what a great trail horse she was in the Pecos. THEN, she refused to cross an erosion ditch. We have been over this trail, what? 50 or 100 times in her life and she has never once refused or even really given it a second look. I actually GOT OFF and led her across. Sheesh! (and then we went back, and forth and back and I got on and rode). Duncan the Lippi had NO problems and he has been over that ditch only about 6 times.
6/3 and the ditch. Rode there alone, and kept her moving forward. Guess what? She went right over.
RISA PEESA 6/3. She got off until today! I mounted up near the pasture gate and rode toward the strip of rubber stall matting that has been lying by the tie racks for 2 months. Risa walks by or over it at least 4 days week, twice each day--over and back. Today, she refused it, then put her foot on it, yanked it off the mat as if her foot were on fire then levitated straight up and over it. Athletical little cuss. But my question is "what in the tarnation is she thinking?" Does it morph at night and schlep about like some sort of evil black shadow and then just lay there during the day waiting to suck in unsuspecting horses? Apparently Risa is the only one that suspects its true nature because everyone else just traipses right over as if it were barely there. Even May.
Used the thin bit with a German Martingale on her today. She seems to like it. Worked on soft turns, lookng for the release; sideways; neck, poll and hip flexibility. The did some leg yeilds against the fence and asked for a lope. Got a wonderful soft lope almost the instant I asked. That only lasted 4-5 steps but I'd say there is potential there and it is finally peeking it's head out! Maybe the Pecos packing job did her good. Hope she liked it because she is on the docket for 2 more pack jobs in June in the Pecos....!
My 5:30 lesson showed up and Risa didn't react too much to the trailer, but the two boys popping out of the grass at random intervals suptised her! Of course I was talking on the phone when she gave the big sideways. Not super pretty but not a horn grabber, so we have that. She got over the boys, as she ought, and was able to do more loping around the lunging lesson horse, so that was very good.
C. got her horse to set up and pick up the left lead, not by giving a cue and hoping, but by really wating for him to give her his head, pushing his hip and driving him quietly into it. He rounded up and took it. Very cool! meanwhile, Risa waited for the lesson to end by standing quietly tied to a tree. Will wonders never cease! I thnk more packing for the girl if it will keep her attitude in check!!!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Trail Work in the Pecos with the Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico
Penny in Camp
Have Saw, Will travel.
May was waiting! So, I saddled her up and along with Linda on her Thoroughbred, Star, we rode to the river. May was wonderful. She was happy and relaxed and she was even, in the dusk, able to lead some! She looked at the river crossing, but we didn't push her. Linda got on and rode her back to camp! Awesome!
Risa started crying for Cometa (apparently she decided he was a worthy mentor after all his work as the lead horse). He called back. So, we moved May in with Penny and Risa, and eveyone settled down. Cometa spend the night at the trailer.
Sunday started with Risa being pressed into service as a REAL pack horse. She got loaded with the tools of the trail clearing trade. In her usual photogenic way, she doesn't look thrilled. Atually she loaded well, although we took a little extra care with the big two man saw because that worried her a little bit, so we let her follow it, smell it and then distracted her a little while it was loaded. Richard supervised loading as I hadn't really loaded tools before.
Next up: water crossings. They went so well at the end of yesterday, we just blithley put Cometa in, Risa ollowed and Penny...... took a giant flying leap and crashed into Risa. I have the bruise to prove it. That could have been prevented but I didn't expect her to jump!
Copper the trick Pony
We cleared all the way to Horsethief Meadow (see last picture) but before we got there, there was a water crossing and Richard K. decided the horse he was riding, Copper, who was on loan for the day from the Kazmar's, could cross on the bridge instead of going through the water. Who knew that Copper was interested in being a trick horse???
Monday, Risa and Cometa got the day off and Penny did a short ride. She did a super steep down hill and we came back up it too. It was so steep that I did not ask her to walk it. I asked her to GET GOING. I felt like if she went slow, she wouldn't actually make it. She is one good horse!
Have Saw, Will travel.
On Saturday May 29: We rolled in at 9 ish and were supposed to be ready to ride at 9. Oops. Fortunately, we were tacked up and just had to load the pellets (practice packing pellets) on Risa and head out. The weather was fantastic. It is still early spring in the Pecos due to the elevation. (8000-10,000 ft) The grass is not tall, the aspens still have new leaves that are a tender green while the pines and firs are darker. In the picture, you can see how they patchwork across the mountainside. Down by the creek, the willows are leafed out and there is a sharp tangy smell. Up on the dry hill sides, the scrub oak is just beginning to bud and the scent of the pines comes and goes. The mountain irises are blooming in the seeps and there are red and yellow shooting stars, purple violets, and a few pink geranium types along the trails.
Cometa (well, really Jim) ponied Risa because Cometa is experienced in the mountains and can handle being bumped without falling down the side of the mountain. Jim is really calm and doesn't worry too much if things go wrong. Wasn't so sure Penny was up for being bumped and besides Jim's extra measure of calm doesn't hurt anything!
Water Crossing. Our first big thing was crossing the Pecos River. It was flowing pretty well and there was a rocky drop off of a few feet to get to the rushing water. Everyone ahead of us made it across except Black Tie and his rider. Penny looked, and decided: NOT. So, Jim held Risa close to Cometa's hip and dragged her on across. She leapt in, and rammed Cometa, but he just kept on going.
They left Risa and came back for Black Tie, who stuck close to Cometa and only pushed on him a little. They left Black Tie and came back for me and Penny. Cometa went and Penny took a huge flying leap and rammed Cometa pretty hard. This sprayed water everywhere, but Cometa kept his composure and we all made it.
Risa needed a few reminders to stay behind and both she and Penny were balky over mud. Risa frequently jumped, ramming Cometa, and Penny just tried to avoid, but didn't need assistance. Near Cave Creek, we had to cross water again. Black Tie followed his buddy across really well. Risa rammed into Cometa on her leap across and Penny refused. Thus, Cometa was pressed into ferry service again. Penny jumped into Cometa and this time Cometa had had enough. When Jim got Risa back, Cometa let her know that she needed to stay behind....OR ELSE.
Cave Creek is really cool because the stream goes INTO the cliffside and no one knows where it comes out! Or so rumor has it...
Cave Creek is really cool because the stream goes INTO the cliffside and no one knows where it comes out! Or so rumor has it...
Tree of the day
The tree at an angle in this photo was pedastalled on the aspen truck you can see between Jim (on the left and Cheryl (on the right). The aspen was partly split. First we threaded a lash cinch (from the Joker the mule's pack) through the split and we all pulled to break the split off. Didn't work. Added a wedge. Didin't work. Raised the lash cinch and we all pulled again and got the split off. However, the tree remained firmly in place atop the aspen.
To dislodge the pine, we tossed one lash cinch over at the upper end of the tree and another lash cinch over near the aspen. Half of us pulled on one and half on the other (and Mad filmed--maybe she will put it on you tube and I will link that in....) Anyway, that worked great and the pine fell to the ground! We cut it with the two-man saw (we were working in the wilderness so only hand tools are allowed) and pry-barred it off to clear the trail! Very satisfying. There were a few more trees, but nothing dramatic. The return trip mud and water crossing got progressively better until Cometa lead, Risa followed closely and Penny was right on her tail. No jumping! We were back in camp at 6.
Cometa and Doc were in adjoning pens. Cometa had Risa and Penny with him and Doc had Star and May. Cometa is small and Doc is big, that did not matter to Cometa, or Doc and the two of them kept charging the fence and trying to pick fights. So, I tied Cometa to the trailer.
Risa started crying for Cometa (apparently she decided he was a worthy mentor after all his work as the lead horse). He called back. So, we moved May in with Penny and Risa, and eveyone settled down. Cometa spend the night at the trailer.
Sunday started with Risa being pressed into service as a REAL pack horse. She got loaded with the tools of the trail clearing trade. In her usual photogenic way, she doesn't look thrilled. Atually she loaded well, although we took a little extra care with the big two man saw because that worried her a little bit, so we let her follow it, smell it and then distracted her a little while it was loaded. Richard supervised loading as I hadn't really loaded tools before.
Next up: water crossings. They went so well at the end of yesterday, we just blithley put Cometa in, Risa ollowed and Penny...... took a giant flying leap and crashed into Risa. I have the bruise to prove it. That could have been prevented but I didn't expect her to jump!
Copper the trick Pony
Great weekend!
Catching up!
5/26-May ride 29: Working mainly in the arena, she was soft in most everything. Got 14 soft relaxed jog steps (average 8, up from 4). She picked up both leads, but did feel stiffed necked at the lope, yet not real rushy. She had a great gate to finish. I changed saddles and girths to stay off the tender girth area...(turned out to be a skin issue--maybe a fungus--- not a cinch sore...good thing I washed all my cinches)
5/27 Tabooli ride14 : Holy Hail. The clouds were heavy, the wind was fresh, and I could see rain coming up the canyon. But a lot of times it doesn't end up making it to me, so I saddled up. Tabooli had been off due to his sore knee, so we did some sideways and some lunging at the trot with me on the ground. He looked fine!
We did a little arena work: sideways--felt good! Trotting: felt good! Loping: Steering not there yet, but felt good. The wind was stronger and the rain was closer, but.....
what the heck, we headed up the rocky trail. We got to the top. It started raininig. We kept going. A huge bolt of lightening flashed out of the sky and the rain drops got bigger. Thunder rolled. The rain drops got bigger. We turned around and I asked him to hurry it up. Hail started to fall. Go faster! Trot! Nevermind that we haven't ever trotted on the trail! This is getting bad! The hail started to increase and in the space of 2 minutes I was already soaked. I got off, (why ride a green horse on a rocky down hill, while getting pelted by hail?) and started to run. Tabooli came right with me and we ran right over the rocks, across the street, down the driveway and into the hay barn. Ahhh. Safety! I was completely wet, water was pooling in the front of the barn, Tabooli was soaked, but he was not phased. He started eating hay scraps and we hung out, waiting for the storm to ease....
5/28-May ride 30: May is heading to the Pecos with Linda and Vicki today and Jim and I will go up with our 3 horses on Saturday. So, I rode May out at 8 am this morning. Have been just getting on and riding. My plan was to ride around the neighborhood. She started out tense. Surpisingly tense. maybe it was the early ride since I usually ride in her in the afternoon. Her neck was stiff and she wanted to trot rather than walk. Up over the hill, turned, went by the dogs and out on to a field. Then she began to relax and drop her head. All through the field she got more and more confident, and then we hit the dirt road. We walked up a hill and came to the.....
DOGS.... Not mean dogs, but BIG dogs. Two Great Danes have a pig pasture (with a horse) and the fence is close to the road. Furthermore, that side of the pasture is very steep, so the dogs just suddenly "appeared" at the fence. Then May noticed the giant rock with a name and address on the other side and THEN the horse appeared with the Great Danes. That was the end. She began to back and I asked her to go backed more. I stopped her and here is what I thought:
"May is 3. May is a horse who needs to have a her confidence built up and she generally gains confidence gradually with through lots of gentle reinforcement. She doesn't usually "work through" things and end up exhaling with a big "I get it" on the other side. She holds on to her nerves a bit. My goal is to help her gain confidence and gradually is ok", so....
I got off. Her front legs were trembling (which I couldn't feel from on top because her whole self was quite tight). I petted her, talked to her and walked her home. As we walked, she relaxed, her neck softened and she breathed a sigh of relief--she was happy to follow me. I was glad I decided to walk.
In the early afternoon I rode Tabooli (ride 15): I saddled up and leaned forward to adjust his bridle and this scared the tar out of him for some unknown reason, so, we left, rapidly. This is annoying, because one minute he feels like warm putty and the next minute he is gone. Not that predictable...unless you consider that a horse wth 15 rides is inherently unpredictable.....
I told him he was ok (he needs that reassurance) and very shortly, he was back to his ho hum state. At least he recovers quickly! It is funny to feel him physically deflate. That is a good thing--now we just need to stop the random ramp ups! Just time. Just more time.
Loping complete circuits. He was able to lope complete circles in the arena and then we rode out a bit. Linda and Vicki came to pick up May and as they walked her by him (30 feet) he got very loud and excited. He got in trouble, but in this case I don't think I was hard enough on him because although he stayed with me in body, I don't really feel that he was there in mind. Tied him to the trailer far away from May and he did that fine. May loaded up and went to the Pecos!
5/27 Tabooli ride14 : Holy Hail. The clouds were heavy, the wind was fresh, and I could see rain coming up the canyon. But a lot of times it doesn't end up making it to me, so I saddled up. Tabooli had been off due to his sore knee, so we did some sideways and some lunging at the trot with me on the ground. He looked fine!
We did a little arena work: sideways--felt good! Trotting: felt good! Loping: Steering not there yet, but felt good. The wind was stronger and the rain was closer, but.....
what the heck, we headed up the rocky trail. We got to the top. It started raininig. We kept going. A huge bolt of lightening flashed out of the sky and the rain drops got bigger. Thunder rolled. The rain drops got bigger. We turned around and I asked him to hurry it up. Hail started to fall. Go faster! Trot! Nevermind that we haven't ever trotted on the trail! This is getting bad! The hail started to increase and in the space of 2 minutes I was already soaked. I got off, (why ride a green horse on a rocky down hill, while getting pelted by hail?) and started to run. Tabooli came right with me and we ran right over the rocks, across the street, down the driveway and into the hay barn. Ahhh. Safety! I was completely wet, water was pooling in the front of the barn, Tabooli was soaked, but he was not phased. He started eating hay scraps and we hung out, waiting for the storm to ease....
5/28-May ride 30: May is heading to the Pecos with Linda and Vicki today and Jim and I will go up with our 3 horses on Saturday. So, I rode May out at 8 am this morning. Have been just getting on and riding. My plan was to ride around the neighborhood. She started out tense. Surpisingly tense. maybe it was the early ride since I usually ride in her in the afternoon. Her neck was stiff and she wanted to trot rather than walk. Up over the hill, turned, went by the dogs and out on to a field. Then she began to relax and drop her head. All through the field she got more and more confident, and then we hit the dirt road. We walked up a hill and came to the.....
DOGS.... Not mean dogs, but BIG dogs. Two Great Danes have a pig pasture (with a horse) and the fence is close to the road. Furthermore, that side of the pasture is very steep, so the dogs just suddenly "appeared" at the fence. Then May noticed the giant rock with a name and address on the other side and THEN the horse appeared with the Great Danes. That was the end. She began to back and I asked her to go backed more. I stopped her and here is what I thought:
"May is 3. May is a horse who needs to have a her confidence built up and she generally gains confidence gradually with through lots of gentle reinforcement. She doesn't usually "work through" things and end up exhaling with a big "I get it" on the other side. She holds on to her nerves a bit. My goal is to help her gain confidence and gradually is ok", so....
I got off. Her front legs were trembling (which I couldn't feel from on top because her whole self was quite tight). I petted her, talked to her and walked her home. As we walked, she relaxed, her neck softened and she breathed a sigh of relief--she was happy to follow me. I was glad I decided to walk.
In the early afternoon I rode Tabooli (ride 15): I saddled up and leaned forward to adjust his bridle and this scared the tar out of him for some unknown reason, so, we left, rapidly. This is annoying, because one minute he feels like warm putty and the next minute he is gone. Not that predictable...unless you consider that a horse wth 15 rides is inherently unpredictable.....
I told him he was ok (he needs that reassurance) and very shortly, he was back to his ho hum state. At least he recovers quickly! It is funny to feel him physically deflate. That is a good thing--now we just need to stop the random ramp ups! Just time. Just more time.
Loping complete circuits. He was able to lope complete circles in the arena and then we rode out a bit. Linda and Vicki came to pick up May and as they walked her by him (30 feet) he got very loud and excited. He got in trouble, but in this case I don't think I was hard enough on him because although he stayed with me in body, I don't really feel that he was there in mind. Tied him to the trailer far away from May and he did that fine. May loaded up and went to the Pecos!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Packin' Risa
5/23/2010. GPS ride.
Stove pellets make a nice practice load for the novice pack horse. (Thanks for the tip Peter!). They are in bags, they are heavy, but not too heavy (40 lbs/ bag) and it is easy to balance the load, so we loaded Risa up with 2 bags of stove pellets.
Here is what Risa had to say: "what am i wearing? what is she going to make me do now? why am i carrying wood stove pellets? it is may. where is the stove? your fly mask is ratty. hmpff."
Note I did a box hitch! And it held. So proud!
While Risa pondered these and other questions, we figured out the GPS. That was not that easy. You have to actually read the directions. We entered a bunch of points (finally!), strung them together and formed a "route" (this was a GPS practice ride). We ended up here: the Pecos mountains (next week's destination) are in the distance, but you can't see them well.
That's me with my really fashionable hat under the helmet look
--hey my hat never falls off!
Penny ponied Risa on the way out and Cometa ponied her on the way back. Penny had a few melt downs when she got stressed due to a) things she made up in her head; b) other horses being nervous and affecting her, c) Risa ramming her with the stove pellets. I think Penny thought I was doing that to her and she was VERY offended. Fortunately, these events were short lived and for most of the 8 miles, she was charming.The load stayed in the middle! My box hitch held and my lash cinch wasn't too floppy! And other than the ears of one pannier jumping off the Decker bars of the pack saddle (so I tied them on) there were no equiptment failures even when going up and down steep stuff and one instance of horsey panic.
Got back at home 4:30, took a break, planted the garden, planted the bedding plants, planted some stuff in the sun room and rode May.
May ride 27: The sun was dipping over the Sandias by the time I was ready to go, but there is a long dusk this time of year. I love this time of year.
May was soft in the arena and we worked on the slow trot: Asked her to trot, she did and then would gain speed, so we did circles, smaller and smaller or we halted backed and tried again. I want her to carry herself; I do not want to have to remind her continually, so by making it harder when she speeds up, eventually she will hold a speed on her own. She is just starting to figure this out.
Loping is getting smoother. We did 5 or more laps each way. She still needs help to pick up her leads (hip inside, head out side--wrong bend, but gets her hip in and allows her to pick up the lead). She doesn't have a slow lope, but it is not fast either and is starting to feel relaxed.
Dusk is lovely in the spring and the wind had finally died down. Rode out about 1.5 miles and just had a very nice relaxing time. May really seemed to enjoy herself and I am happy that she is continuing to get her "trail feet"; more and more she is understanding that she can control where her feet go and this makes negotiating rocky stretches, as well as any up and down, easier. Also, she needs to WALK up and WALK down, no matter how steep and she is doing well. This requires patience and confidence in the horse. She is gettng there! Pet peeve: horses that rush the ups and downs. It was near dark when we returned, so we skipped the rope gate today! Fun ride, fun day!
5/24/2010 May ride 28.
Cinch sores. That is over stating it, but May has a hot spot that will lead to a cinch sore if I don't make some changes. I can't figure how/why this is occurring--the saddle tree fits great--have perfectly even sweat marks--no dry spots. The cinch is centered. The saddle doesn't move around on her....I use a felt cinch normally (it was a dirty so have cleaned it), tightened to snug but not too tight; switched to an clean air-ride type... but that didn't help. Will switch to mohair on weds. Might get a fleece too. I use the same saddle on multiple horses--Penny yesterday for 8 miles (and Risa) and have no issues. Have been riding May for well, 27 rides, most in this rig, and only developed this issue yesterday. Perhaps she just has sensitive skin? Maybe there was another irriation there first? The last time I caused cinch sore on a horse was in the summer of 1980 when I didn't realize the cinch had to be centered and I was saddling a lot of horses for a summer camp.....!
Out there on the trail, May is making good progress on relaxation Still improving in the foot coordination arena, a little each day, and she is able to trot some on the suitable streches. Much of this short trail is just too rocky and/ or steep for trotting. (But is great for teaching them to watch where they are going.)
Miracle Whip (the white horse in the header photo) was out with me in the Manzano Mountains in 2008 or was it early 2009? and while he wasn't spooky, his foot placement was scary In the tricky one-mis-step-and-you-are-off-the-cliff places, I just got off. "You wanna fall off the cliff? Go with out me!". I started riding him on the rocky trail every day, which resulted in him being a really fine mountain horse, and did wonders for his show ring trail classes--he went from crashing the logs or performing "leap overs" instead of lope overs, to a winner under all 4 judges in jr. trail at his only sanctioned Appy show. So, I am a big fan of the rocky trail!
Got 12 steps (in the arena) of a relaxed jog-type trot with May before a correction was needed. Four steps was the average. Corrections: Shoulder in, leg yield, stop and back, circles. Overall, I used circles the most. I found it a little frustrating that she didn't make more progress on this. But it is just time time time, and each horse is different. No loping today, but did finsh with a good gate--she's got that one figured out.
Risa: Rode to neighbors and played the Who is More Important, Me or ? Game. Correct answer: ME. She was wound a little tight today, so head UP, neck STIFF, that's SCARY. So whenever any of those occurred, we did disengage the hind end, and I mean NOW to make her think about what she would rather be doing: Having her brain flying around the universe, or having her brain trained on me. The teachable moments increased. Yeah. Her lope is improving and I must remember that she is kind of claustrophobic so despite her tendency to lose control of her thoughts, she does much better on a very loose rein. Not all horses are like that....
Penny: Working on neck reining and she is getting it. Lope is still too rushy and too down on the front end for the show ring (and I am not going for the crooked crippled super duper slow mo look but an even 3-beat, relaxed, cadenced, yes slow, but correct and free lope). With repetition and lots of sideways and pivot around the front end work, it is improving. Her lope overs are good. Her western jog is also getting more steady and longer. Her reining spins are showing more reach (not much speed--working up to that really slowly). She feels like she is getting ready to be able to learn lead changes--I can feel her want to switch if we counter canter.
Tabooli is having a few days off to see how his sore-going-sideways leg does. He feels apple flavored bute is Poison. Even with Molasses. Not interested. NO THANKS. Fortunately, he does not seem to be in pain just walking and he is not one to expend whole lot of extra energy in his pen even though it is large enough to run in.
Cows on weds!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
It's all about consistency
All they way up there he was fine. The garbage cans, dogs, tractor, cars...all fine. But at the arena, he spotted the other horses (Dartagnon and his buddies). Tabooli never met Dart. When Dart left and T. arrived. This unfenced arena is above the road and below Dart's pen and there is an arroyo on one side. All three of these sides may be hazardous at one time another, according to my 4 legged informants. Tabooli's bugaboo today was mainly the other horses, so we made a few turns around the interior area and headed out. We didn't ride the road back. Instead we went down the arroyo. I was very impressed because he did not hesitate at any obstacle--and there were steep banks into a wash, shale stair steps, logs, and a steep step up to get up to the barn. Love a horse that will bushwhack! We rode in arena at walk and trot to finish and he had a few awkward steps that I attribited to a sore foot....but it was his right leg and the left is the one that lost the shoe..hmmm. We did a little loping but that needs a lot more work on departing, steering and continuing! . Good gate! All in one try. Will do more finesse stuff work (turning, sideways, move hip, and shouder) but want to keep taking him out since that's what he's going to be doing. 5/22/2010. I went on a flower walk at Elena Gallegos park this morning and here are ae the cool things I learned: Chocolate flowers (I have some in my yard and I didn't know this) SMELL LIKE CHOCOLATE! There are three species of evening primrose in the area and the one in the picture on this blog is prarie evening primrose (Oenothera albicaulis). Salsify is also known as the oyster plant and you can eat it's root. I thought it was poisonous to horses....but a quick search of the internet only talks about its edibleness to humans. Guess I will not spend so much time trying to eliminate it from my property anymore!!! |
May ride 26. Ride 26?! Time flies when you are having fun! Got on and rode to the arena. She was stiff necked and not as light as I would like so we did circles, sideways (better to right, but improving to the left) and stopping with two reins, a little backing and although she went where and did all I asked, she still was not that supple.
Linda arrived to drop off some hay, so she got to see a lot of the arena work
Slow trotting: Not got that yet but it seemed like there were more controlled steps today. She picked up both leads well and loped better than ever. It felt longer and with better drive. Not as choppy! Hopefully this means she is learning to balance better with me on top and the sideways stuff is helping her over all body control.
We did a little showing off at the gate--REALLY nice gate--last time I tried to show off to Linda vis a vis the gate, it was NOT pretty. Redemption! We also did the bridge--with 2.5 feet and then with all 4. Not bad.
I left for the same old trail and May did the herky jerky up the drive way, but once she hit the rocks, she has a few more good strong, I AM lookng where I am going and I CAN push up this hill, steps. (not enough, just more!). At the top of the first climb (remember this is short (50? ft)), she suddenely got very light and remained light for most of the ride. The evil ditch caused her to pause and....cross (with tension, but little arguing) and the second ditch that we have been taking a detour through the tree/ in the tree, caused her to barely pause and pick her way over--no alternate route needed! Apparently, today's progess was increased relaxation on the trail...hopefully that was not just due to arena work first.
Tabooli ride 14. This boy is relaxed. He put his chin on my shoulder and sighed as I scratched his neck. Got his saddle out and tossed it up. No flinching or shying anymore! Got on. Saddle felt loose. Got off. Tightened it. Got on other side. Ho hum. Walked around the arena and he felt off. Then he felt fine. We trotted. He felt fine. He felt off. I got off and went for a hoof pick. There was some dirt in there but nothing else, and he walked fine over the gravel. Hmmm.
Back in the arena. Felt good. Did a little sideways left and that was really nice. Sideways right and he was really off. Ok, for sure somthing hurts. It is the right leg. He pulled the left shoe last week, apparently by catching it and apparent fell on his right (skinned) knee. The shoe has been replaced and besides teh sore leg is not the leg that lost the shoe...instead it's the one he skinned. I cannot feel it at the walk very much, but can at the trot...sometimes. As I watched him in his pen later, I could not see it when he walked up hill in his pen, but I could see it when he walked down. Oh serious bummer.
Called his owner.....I hate having to do that. Gave Tabooli bute (but he didn't eat it--will try with molasses next). Might send him home for a few weeks to recover if that's what he needs, but rats. We were just at the point where we can start having some real fun!
Risa and Penny 5/21 (didn't get to them 5/22....but the garden is ready to be planted!)
Rode Penny in a Mylar Level 2 snaffle. It was fine, nothing earth shaking. Used a romel rein...because I got one when a client cleaned out and because it had clips on. It is a nice (and heavy) set of reins and I need to get it back in the house and clean it up. Just worked on working on a loose rein and some neck reining (really riding with my leg and the rein just supports) Need to be working on that along with her WP lope and english trot.
Risa--rode her in a german martingale--it allows her head up but I can ask for some down. It has a really naroow copper bit (severe, yes, if you yank on it), but for whatever reason she seemed to carry it well, and was very light. Bushwhacked big time on her down an old over grown trail--through dead pinon, over scrub oak, across rock. Really nice. Also loped circles in a slanted meadow, avoiding prickly pear and gopher holes...took her a few rounds to understand how to lope with me up there while moving down hill.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Linda Rides May!
Linda rides May! 5/20/2010 Ride 24.
A bit hectic because Linda was waiting at 4 pm when I got back with Tabooli and Tabooli's farrier was there to tack on the pulled shoe AND I had another lesson coming at 5:30 pm.....Tabooli got his shoe on, May got her saddle on (oh boy this Larry Trocha versatility ranch horse saddle made by Jim Taylor fits her better than any of my own horses...finally a comfortable saddle that fits...!) and off Linda and I went to the round pen.A bit of ground work, a bit of warm up riding by me and then Linda got on and....guess what? May just stood there! No fidgetting at all. Of course when Linda asked her to walk off, she went sideways but that was just due to an uneven rein and leg pressure.
Walking and then trotting! We talked about how light May is and Linda worked with using her rein and leg aids to help May go in the drection Linda wanted. It took a few minutes to coordinate the idea that leg pressure can change depending on the position of the horse. For example: turning right and using the right rein to direct as well as the left leg to push to the horse right, but then the horse turns too sharply right and maybe even drops her shoulder. One solution: decreasing right rein pressure and using the LEFT leg to sort of hold the horse up and straighten her out. Since May is light, figuring out the degree of pressure change needed is the key. Worked out well! Yeah!
May Ride 23 5/18/2010. Just got on and rode. She was tense but we walked on out of the property and into her first real ride "in the neighborhood". Took her to the arena up the road and was expecting to walk, trot, and lope there, but instead we trotted some and walked a lot because she was not comfortable in this strange location! Yikes--and Dartganon was up there too. Very distracting for May. So, we walked and when she trottend we played a faster veriosn of the stand still game--bent her to a walk instead of a stop and go on. This was interspersed with stopping and backing if she broke into a trot. Finally she relaxed enough to just walk around on a loose rein. I was happy to see her ratchet down, so I got off and walked her home.
Ride 11 Tabooli. He got a boot, so I put it on his shoeless foot and took off. It is a rubber sole and velcros on so was easy to put on. It seemed pretty large for his foot, even thought the measurements were not too far off.... No ground work. I rode him up the driveway and out into the street, where I did a 180 back into the driveway since a red mini van car was coming over the hill. I wanted him to have enough room to move if he needed to. He needed....a little but not a lot.
Headed up the steep trail which he found hard--no suprise, steep grade (short), lots of rocks and for a horse with 11 rides on even ground it was a lot of change. He handled it very well. We rounded the corner up top and there was the old dead culvert abandoned by the side of the road. No an issue. There was the old dead grader. Not an issue! Boot fell off. Grr.
Replacing the boot...he wanted to eat and move..the reins were too short (but duh they are clipped on to the bit, so I could have unsnapped one side...didn't), so it took a little manuevering to get the boot on. Got back on and ee rode really well. Nice foward walk, not nervous, and very willing. I talked on the phone a bit to the farrier and to his owner, but the boot pulled off again. It is just too big I think, although I can't see the smaller size staying on that much better because the velcro fastener part around his pastern was pretty much as snug as possible but still pulled over his hoof....
Tabooli Ride 10. 5/ 18/ 2010 arena work at walk--looking for moving off my leg, soft in face. He showed progress so then we rode around the property. He was breathing heavy due to nerves but he went everywhere I pointed him. Came back and rode in the arena a little more at walk and trot, emphasis on steering and lighter. Stopped well and backed well. Rode out behind the house on the frost heave so it was soft, but his foot was still tender if he hit a rock. He also wanted to eat everything in sight but seemed to be getting the idea that that "isn't done"! Rode to where the trail is cut off and he spooked at the no trespassing sign,--as well he should --those folks ae scary--but he did manage to face up to the sign while hiding behind a bush for protection. He actually got behind a bush to look! Did a little more arena work which included loping and he got a little farther around the arena and picked up the lope a little quicker. Did the bridge-point, let him look and over we went. Finished with the gate--all in one go--not smooth, but no rope dropping!
Risa and Penny:
Risa has her head in the sky at the lope, but she is getting lighter and more cadenced. Also, she can easliy pick up both leads from a walk.The upward rein helps her stay lighter and though it is not doing much for her head position at the lope, it is allowing her to start to relax. Increased relaxation = more natural head position, so there is hope.
Penny's slow lope is getting more cadenced. We're doing a lot of lateral work and pivots and this is helping. Her reining spins are feeling more energetic and smooth. They are not fast and are not even always correct (pivoting on the wrong foot sometimes) but she is pretty flat and is reaching a across with her front feet pretty well.
And three uh four, more things. Today was a really great day and here are the reasons:
1. Ani the Fjord (doesn't live here, I ride her once/ week) had the lightest, softest, most fantastic cantering in big and small circles. Her owner had tears in her eyes. This from a horse that I swear hated me for at least 3 months. If I asked her to canter she would stop dead and no amount of increased pressure would cause her to budge. From there to today has been an amazing transformation!
2. Linda rode May!
3. The youth rider's lesson was the BEST EVER and she did the gate completely for the first time! Twice! A right hand push and then a right hand pull!
4. I got a picture of 2 snakes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Got fired by the farrier! (Not really)
I have been trying to keep Risa and Penny bare foot and have been working with two women from the Sound Equine Initiative here in NM. I really like their work on the horses and how empathetic they are, too! However, I ride a lot and the horses are always out. Thus, their feet are really not holding enough hoof to work with. Today we agreed that I should hire a farrier who will put on shoes. He is coming on Friday and I am a little nervous because Risa is opinionated and she just doesn't like everyone...Hope it all works out! I sure appreciated their willingness to do what was best for the horse, even though that means we won't be working with them!
5/14-5/16 I was in Lubbock. Tabooli got shoes on 5/15 when I was in Lubbock watching my daughter graduate from Texas Tech! Whoop (wait that is Tx A&M--but hey I went there so it's ok.) Unfortunately, one shoe fell off today. I think he got it hung on a tree root as the shoe was off, and bent, near the tree root AND his other knee was skinned. So, compiling all the forensic evidence...I think he caught it and fell.
5/17 again. Rode Tabooli in the sand. (ride 9) His shoeless foot was sore on gravel, so even though I wanted to take him on his first trip out, we stayed in the arena. He spooked hard once, but other than that he was pretty darn good.
Move off my leg! Follow the reins! Relax your tongue! Basically, we are talking steering here. He is a bit heavy on the bit and he is the type that wants to put his head down with pressure on the bit. Those seem to occur about every 1 in 7 or so (not that I was counting or anything...) The (French) upward rein pressure seems to help him come up some and loosen up his poll and neck (even though the book says we are trying to loosen the tongue). He is improving on moving sideways when I bend his head left and apply my left leg either through his shoulder or his ribs, but he is not yet consistent! (Right is working, too.)
Leg yield, shoulder in, turn. All of these are variations on the theme of yielding to leg and rein pressure, and working him against the fence while maintaining some forward motion is helping. In addition to the leg work, we did a little loping--not all the way around as there is no fence on the N end and his steering isn't quite there. To lope off from a trot, I bent his head to the fence and used my fence side leg to push his hip inside. It is the wrong bend direction, but it does help him get his hind end driving without adding too much speed, and into the lope he goes.
Stop and back. Apparently he forgot how to stop and back. So, we trotted 5 steps, stopped and backed a few steps. We repeated this until he was stopping on my voice and weight and backing semi light. It took about 20 repeats. Finished with the gate, which took awhile to complete. Guess he forgot about that too!
May. Ride 22. I was going to get on and take off, but first Risa and Penny were with the farrier, then I rode Penny and ponied Risa a mile over to feed the neighbor's horses (and back). Cometa was out with May, but for whatever reason, he just doesn't count as a companion for anybody...maybe because he is often in is own pen and is very bossy. Still, he misses them when they go. Ok, so the upshot of all that Penny Risa activity was that May was pacing and not that relaxed.
I am ALMOST as good as Risa. When I haltered up May (she hasn't tried to avoid this in about 3 tries!) and brought her in to saddle, she settled down a whole lot. I am almost as good as Risa as a companion! I feel so important (in my own little world) when the horses start to see me that way. Nevertheless, I figured I better do a little ground and a little arena work to off set the layoff and stressful activity.
Not perfect. Not consistent, but she light a lot of the time and holds her head in a nice natural way. We just did more of the usual: move off leg in various ways, stop (and we played NO stand still game--she is just standing still now!), back (a little heavy and needed to repeat a lot until she got a step, release, repeat--always looking for a light soft response and trying to release on that...easier said than done sometimes!), trot, and LOPE. I know we have loped but now she can lope around the unfenced arena, both directions and not be in a hurry. PLUS, when I am ready to end to a stop, she can stand still.
The trail is full of boogey men in the form of dry erosion spots that have made ditches that we must walk over. I ended up dismouting and walking May over one particular ditch 5 times--actually she jumped the first 3 times and then was able to sneak down in and cross over. Got on an rode her over. Sounds simple, but it was not. She has decided that backing is a good way to avoid. I used my legs and the end of the lead rope on her hip to discourage backward avoidance. She is sensitive so I am not talking whacking her, but more flagging her hip with the lead rope. Finally she gave it a try and we went back and forth 4 times, better each time.
BIKES and SCOOTERS. The neighbor kids are just really nice. They were riding their bike and scooter down the big paved hill by the house and so I talked to them so they would talk back so May would think "oh people on wheelie things" rather than "AHHH horse eating aliens from Roswell!" They were super and actually talked to MAY, telling her how well she was doing.
Finshed by riding up the road. No cars today so didn't deal with that.
Ride 21 and Ride 8. (5/12) For both I rode in the round pen. Tabooli loped there for the first time (no wild behavior) and showed a bit of understanding of "move off the leg". May was relaxed and loped easily. She is moving a bit stiffly. I think it is a combo of her club foot and shoulder injury (where she got a 6 in x 6in T torn in her hide by a pit bull last year). She was better when she first got shoes.... Will keep an eye on it.
I have been trying to keep Risa and Penny bare foot and have been working with two women from the Sound Equine Initiative here in NM. I really like their work on the horses and how empathetic they are, too! However, I ride a lot and the horses are always out. Thus, their feet are really not holding enough hoof to work with. Today we agreed that I should hire a farrier who will put on shoes. He is coming on Friday and I am a little nervous because Risa is opinionated and she just doesn't like everyone...Hope it all works out! I sure appreciated their willingness to do what was best for the horse, even though that means we won't be working with them!
5/14-5/16 I was in Lubbock. Tabooli got shoes on 5/15 when I was in Lubbock watching my daughter graduate from Texas Tech! Whoop (wait that is Tx A&M--but hey I went there so it's ok.) Unfortunately, one shoe fell off today. I think he got it hung on a tree root as the shoe was off, and bent, near the tree root AND his other knee was skinned. So, compiling all the forensic evidence...I think he caught it and fell.
5/17 again. Rode Tabooli in the sand. (ride 9) His shoeless foot was sore on gravel, so even though I wanted to take him on his first trip out, we stayed in the arena. He spooked hard once, but other than that he was pretty darn good.
Move off my leg! Follow the reins! Relax your tongue! Basically, we are talking steering here. He is a bit heavy on the bit and he is the type that wants to put his head down with pressure on the bit. Those seem to occur about every 1 in 7 or so (not that I was counting or anything...) The (French) upward rein pressure seems to help him come up some and loosen up his poll and neck (even though the book says we are trying to loosen the tongue). He is improving on moving sideways when I bend his head left and apply my left leg either through his shoulder or his ribs, but he is not yet consistent! (Right is working, too.)
Leg yield, shoulder in, turn. All of these are variations on the theme of yielding to leg and rein pressure, and working him against the fence while maintaining some forward motion is helping. In addition to the leg work, we did a little loping--not all the way around as there is no fence on the N end and his steering isn't quite there. To lope off from a trot, I bent his head to the fence and used my fence side leg to push his hip inside. It is the wrong bend direction, but it does help him get his hind end driving without adding too much speed, and into the lope he goes.
Stop and back. Apparently he forgot how to stop and back. So, we trotted 5 steps, stopped and backed a few steps. We repeated this until he was stopping on my voice and weight and backing semi light. It took about 20 repeats. Finished with the gate, which took awhile to complete. Guess he forgot about that too!
May. Ride 22. I was going to get on and take off, but first Risa and Penny were with the farrier, then I rode Penny and ponied Risa a mile over to feed the neighbor's horses (and back). Cometa was out with May, but for whatever reason, he just doesn't count as a companion for anybody...maybe because he is often in is own pen and is very bossy. Still, he misses them when they go. Ok, so the upshot of all that Penny Risa activity was that May was pacing and not that relaxed.
I am ALMOST as good as Risa. When I haltered up May (she hasn't tried to avoid this in about 3 tries!) and brought her in to saddle, she settled down a whole lot. I am almost as good as Risa as a companion! I feel so important (in my own little world) when the horses start to see me that way. Nevertheless, I figured I better do a little ground and a little arena work to off set the layoff and stressful activity.
Not perfect. Not consistent, but she light a lot of the time and holds her head in a nice natural way. We just did more of the usual: move off leg in various ways, stop (and we played NO stand still game--she is just standing still now!), back (a little heavy and needed to repeat a lot until she got a step, release, repeat--always looking for a light soft response and trying to release on that...easier said than done sometimes!), trot, and LOPE. I know we have loped but now she can lope around the unfenced arena, both directions and not be in a hurry. PLUS, when I am ready to end to a stop, she can stand still.
The trail is full of boogey men in the form of dry erosion spots that have made ditches that we must walk over. I ended up dismouting and walking May over one particular ditch 5 times--actually she jumped the first 3 times and then was able to sneak down in and cross over. Got on an rode her over. Sounds simple, but it was not. She has decided that backing is a good way to avoid. I used my legs and the end of the lead rope on her hip to discourage backward avoidance. She is sensitive so I am not talking whacking her, but more flagging her hip with the lead rope. Finally she gave it a try and we went back and forth 4 times, better each time.
BIKES and SCOOTERS. The neighbor kids are just really nice. They were riding their bike and scooter down the big paved hill by the house and so I talked to them so they would talk back so May would think "oh people on wheelie things" rather than "AHHH horse eating aliens from Roswell!" They were super and actually talked to MAY, telling her how well she was doing.
Finshed by riding up the road. No cars today so didn't deal with that.
Ride 21 and Ride 8. (5/12) For both I rode in the round pen. Tabooli loped there for the first time (no wild behavior) and showed a bit of understanding of "move off the leg". May was relaxed and loped easily. She is moving a bit stiffly. I think it is a combo of her club foot and shoulder injury (where she got a 6 in x 6in T torn in her hide by a pit bull last year). She was better when she first got shoes.... Will keep an eye on it.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Botanizing on Horseback
I had a pony (13.2 hands, cost 175 bucks) named Indy from 1998-2001 (she died or I would stillhave her) and I rode her all over the place. I collected over 160 plants (and pressed them and identified them to species and put them in 3 books, and made a list....ok, so I'm a biologist by training and my mom put me up to it). I still recognize most of the plants but I cannot tell you their scientific names anymore....but recently D. moved in and she likes plants (and birds and horses) so my interest has been rekindled!
So, today, we botanized on horseback. I rode Risa and she rode Duncan. We took the rocky trail and checked out the plants. That penstemon I mentioned the other day is now blooming (there are 3 or 4 species locally and I don't recall this being the first usually....) This one is a bit more delicate looking than the others and has a purple/ pink flower that is kind of irridescent. I just looked and yep I have it pressed...maybe I should now start taking pictures and add those to the book. ....Maybe I am a touch obsessive compulsive? I think the scientific name is: Penstemon inflatus. (Note the italics and the capitalization of the first name--the Genus-- and lower case for the species name? Your scientific nomenclature lesson of the day. Try not to throw up.)
Red with a strong dollop of orange is the shade of the barrel cactus flowers I usually see, but today, we spied a tiny cactus with a yellow bloom bigger than the plant itself. I don't recall ever seeing that one before and we saw two! D. took home a sprig of a vetch (Astragalus missouriensis???-related to loco weed!) to ID but I forgot that you often need the seed pods to tell the vetch or vetch-like things apart. I was out on S 14 and saw Astragalus spectabalis??? I am making that name up ...but it is a big white one.... AND we saw a small white flowered 5- petalled delicate plant related to carnations (Family: Caryophyllaceae).
Horsewise, Risa led and Duncan (the lipizanner, white! big brown eyes! 19!) came along behind, a bit slowly. He was trying really hard to do everything just right...because yesterday he got in trouble for hand galloping.....away! Now granted, every time I see Duncan he looks amazing and soft and correct, but apparenlty he does have his moments.
Prior to hitting the trail, Risa did a little arena work and her lope was actually pretty relaxed, but when we got back, she was much more in a hurry. She is still trying to figure out how to work her whole body with me on top, and we are working a number of exercises to help her (like I mentioned last time, briefly). But, I will say this for her: She can bury her butt in the dirt when her timing is right, she can back fast and she has the makings of a nice reining spin. And yeah I train and I get paid, but I never want to stop learning, so I plan to get down to Dolly Wallace next week (I hope) and pick her brain on spinning exercises. Sometimes it is so helpful to get an outside opinion and I tell you what, every time I go to Dolly I get some shining gem of information. Add all those gems up, and you can put together a pretty nice horse if you work at it.
Pretty Penny was next and she had some nice moments and some ok moments. I really need to work on her english trot and her western lope. Oh that's a nice combo--longer and faster (the trot) and slower and slower (the lope). The long trot does help her use her body better. The slow lope feels a bit too short-strided to me, and while her neck is positioned ok, a lot of the time, but I feel overall she is too stiff. So we have to keep working lateral bending (neck and poll relaxation) while moving, sideways, shoulder freedom, haunches in, until all her parts are relaxed, under control and in synchrony. Not happening over night.
All around. I am not one to produce the 30 day wonder horse. Penny at 3 is doing english and western and trail, but by 5 or 6 I hope she can do virtually all events reasonably well. So, taking the long view, I am not going to have a perfect western pleasure horse at 3 because of our all around goal later in life and besides I want her to stay fresh (oh and she will go out in the back country, too...)
Simple, safe and fun. That's what I want for my horses and riders....note I didn't say "easy". Today, if you were to ask Penny, "fun" might have been lacking. Nothing was terrible, but maybe a bit too much drill and not enough reward.
I gave a lesson later in the day and it was amazing to see how the upward hand position (very French says my friend) is so amazing. Yeah, I just said amazing twice in one sentence. I am not fixing it. Go Donati and Kathleen!
What about May?? 5/11/2010. Ride 20
May is aMAYzing. I could not resist. I saddled up (no fidgetting, no pawing) got on and rode off over the ridge. She was balky in a few spots but if I kept her straight with my reins and legs and urged her forward with my legs and voice, she listened, decided I would not steer her into trouble, and went. We just had a blast trail riding at nice forward walk.
The twisted culvert, laying on the side of the road, has its large black mouth facing north, and on the way home, May needed a moment to analyze that. Once she had a look, she was able to go on by with out a fuss.
Trust. One of the things I find the most rewarding about starting horses is when the horse starts to trust me. Then, even when they aren't sure, they fall back to the trust thing and try to do what I ask! It was like that with May this ride.
Ride 7. Trailer loading went really well! He stepped in and can easily get out backwards now, so, in he went, and out he went, and in he went until he figured out it was easier to stay in. Since he goes in nicely, it was easy.
The wind was the worst in a long time, so that's saying something. Used my spurs and my rope on him today and got more out of him, without scaring him. He is still heavy off my leg, so working against the fence to get him to move laterally--not fully sidways, but some cross over with the shoulder and the hind end, is helping. He is ready to lope but I didn't push him too hard due to the hideous wind, and just got a nice fast trot. I wanted to ride him out today but I was on him for over an hour and I hadn't realized how long it had been. So, we did the bridge (set him up, let him look and he did it) and almost had the gate. He totally gets that the gate = end of the day. Two more tries and the gate will be ours!
I had a pony (13.2 hands, cost 175 bucks) named Indy from 1998-2001 (she died or I would stillhave her) and I rode her all over the place. I collected over 160 plants (and pressed them and identified them to species and put them in 3 books, and made a list....ok, so I'm a biologist by training and my mom put me up to it). I still recognize most of the plants but I cannot tell you their scientific names anymore....but recently D. moved in and she likes plants (and birds and horses) so my interest has been rekindled!
So, today, we botanized on horseback. I rode Risa and she rode Duncan. We took the rocky trail and checked out the plants. That penstemon I mentioned the other day is now blooming (there are 3 or 4 species locally and I don't recall this being the first usually....) This one is a bit more delicate looking than the others and has a purple/ pink flower that is kind of irridescent. I just looked and yep I have it pressed...maybe I should now start taking pictures and add those to the book. ....Maybe I am a touch obsessive compulsive? I think the scientific name is: Penstemon inflatus. (Note the italics and the capitalization of the first name--the Genus-- and lower case for the species name? Your scientific nomenclature lesson of the day. Try not to throw up.)
Red with a strong dollop of orange is the shade of the barrel cactus flowers I usually see, but today, we spied a tiny cactus with a yellow bloom bigger than the plant itself. I don't recall ever seeing that one before and we saw two! D. took home a sprig of a vetch (Astragalus missouriensis???-related to loco weed!) to ID but I forgot that you often need the seed pods to tell the vetch or vetch-like things apart. I was out on S 14 and saw Astragalus spectabalis??? I am making that name up ...but it is a big white one.... AND we saw a small white flowered 5- petalled delicate plant related to carnations (Family: Caryophyllaceae).
Horsewise, Risa led and Duncan (the lipizanner, white! big brown eyes! 19!) came along behind, a bit slowly. He was trying really hard to do everything just right...because yesterday he got in trouble for hand galloping.....away! Now granted, every time I see Duncan he looks amazing and soft and correct, but apparenlty he does have his moments.
Prior to hitting the trail, Risa did a little arena work and her lope was actually pretty relaxed, but when we got back, she was much more in a hurry. She is still trying to figure out how to work her whole body with me on top, and we are working a number of exercises to help her (like I mentioned last time, briefly). But, I will say this for her: She can bury her butt in the dirt when her timing is right, she can back fast and she has the makings of a nice reining spin. And yeah I train and I get paid, but I never want to stop learning, so I plan to get down to Dolly Wallace next week (I hope) and pick her brain on spinning exercises. Sometimes it is so helpful to get an outside opinion and I tell you what, every time I go to Dolly I get some shining gem of information. Add all those gems up, and you can put together a pretty nice horse if you work at it.
Pretty Penny was next and she had some nice moments and some ok moments. I really need to work on her english trot and her western lope. Oh that's a nice combo--longer and faster (the trot) and slower and slower (the lope). The long trot does help her use her body better. The slow lope feels a bit too short-strided to me, and while her neck is positioned ok, a lot of the time, but I feel overall she is too stiff. So we have to keep working lateral bending (neck and poll relaxation) while moving, sideways, shoulder freedom, haunches in, until all her parts are relaxed, under control and in synchrony. Not happening over night.
All around. I am not one to produce the 30 day wonder horse. Penny at 3 is doing english and western and trail, but by 5 or 6 I hope she can do virtually all events reasonably well. So, taking the long view, I am not going to have a perfect western pleasure horse at 3 because of our all around goal later in life and besides I want her to stay fresh (oh and she will go out in the back country, too...)
Simple, safe and fun. That's what I want for my horses and riders....note I didn't say "easy". Today, if you were to ask Penny, "fun" might have been lacking. Nothing was terrible, but maybe a bit too much drill and not enough reward.
I gave a lesson later in the day and it was amazing to see how the upward hand position (very French says my friend) is so amazing. Yeah, I just said amazing twice in one sentence. I am not fixing it. Go Donati and Kathleen!
What about May?? 5/11/2010. Ride 20
May is aMAYzing. I could not resist. I saddled up (no fidgetting, no pawing) got on and rode off over the ridge. She was balky in a few spots but if I kept her straight with my reins and legs and urged her forward with my legs and voice, she listened, decided I would not steer her into trouble, and went. We just had a blast trail riding at nice forward walk.
The twisted culvert, laying on the side of the road, has its large black mouth facing north, and on the way home, May needed a moment to analyze that. Once she had a look, she was able to go on by with out a fuss.
Trust. One of the things I find the most rewarding about starting horses is when the horse starts to trust me. Then, even when they aren't sure, they fall back to the trust thing and try to do what I ask! It was like that with May this ride.
Ride 7. Trailer loading went really well! He stepped in and can easily get out backwards now, so, in he went, and out he went, and in he went until he figured out it was easier to stay in. Since he goes in nicely, it was easy.
The wind was the worst in a long time, so that's saying something. Used my spurs and my rope on him today and got more out of him, without scaring him. He is still heavy off my leg, so working against the fence to get him to move laterally--not fully sidways, but some cross over with the shoulder and the hind end, is helping. He is ready to lope but I didn't push him too hard due to the hideous wind, and just got a nice fast trot. I wanted to ride him out today but I was on him for over an hour and I hadn't realized how long it had been. So, we did the bridge (set him up, let him look and he did it) and almost had the gate. He totally gets that the gate = end of the day. Two more tries and the gate will be ours!
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