Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ride 9 and the close!!!

4/24/2010.  Risa has a cow over the rubber mats. The mats out at the hitching rail moved the other week and Risa has never recovered.  She has been convinced that the oneprotion of the mat is going to rise up and consume her, most likely in one large gulp.  Today I decided it was time to fix that. 

I tied her there and made her move around (one freak out moment where she pulled back hard the offending mat had the good grace to stay in place.)  Walked her over and around.  Rode her over and around .... which did not happen right away...things are much safer (in her mind) if I go first and she follows.  That way I can be eaten first.  If I am up on top and she has to go first--not safe. The we rode out and YIKES more mats were out on the driveway.  Had to get off and repeat it all.  Rode out to Dart's arena, came back and I led her over those driveway mats again and tied her back up on the tie rack mats.  She did well but I could tell she wasn't totollay relaxed and then...

Tabooli came: He is 4 yr old palomino QH stud colt here to get started.  He is a ooker! May was tied to the tree and Risa was at the tied rack, which are both near the pen the colt will be in.  Tabooli was all keyed up and thus so were the girls.  Risa was still upset about the mats so she held still but May began to try to dig a hole, so I moved the girls. Risa got to go out--well she did have to walk over the mats some more--good job!  May went into the tack room area.  We got Tabooli settled (hot wire--stay off the fence!  and here have some food!)

Now it is getting late and there is a show tomorrow...and I hven't got the paper work done, I am not packed up, I am tired (had my trailer inspected with the Pecos chapter of the Back Country Horsemen, Karen and Daryl came for a lesson that included a fun trail, rode Penny (some more because she went on the trail), rode Risa, the sun is getting pretty darn close to the top of the mountain and thinking about sliding over..... but I saddled up May and took her to the arena. 

She was jumpy on the way there and Tabooli was crying.  He thought everyone was going to stay in their proper places....he has a big suprise coming--things are not that predictable around here.  All this running about and vocalizing didn't help (kind of like the way Dart was crying at Risa  and she cried back when I rode her over at his place earlier--bunch of cry babies!)

Made it to the arena which is 200 feet? from the tack room tie area and we
lunged at the trot on a 12 foot line over the logs and both ways until May got even in her movement (5 minutes at the most-very pleased at how fast and well she settled and focused!) and then I got on. She stood still--no antsy feet-----for 30 seconds.  We walked and turned; trotted and turned.  Trotted over the logs--that was a first.  She whacked 'em pretty good, but it didn't upset her.  Last time she couldn't trot over.  She had to break to a walk. Next try, she trotted over very well; next, she balked; next, all was well.  And she whoa'd on a 2 rein cue!

Jim walked down to work on the trailer for the show.  The sneak!  Walking down the road like that!  So I made him come and watch May as a "penalty" for suprising her. So he watched her go right to the east side of the gate, first try.  I opened the gate, she walked through, turned and then..... we backed to the end of the rope, which I dropped.  Messed around a bit getting back in position, picked up the rope and closed the gate! 

Tomorrow the three girls are going to the show and Penny is competing.  Everyone else is gettng patience training and I am pretty sure that will involve hobbles for May since she pawed so much at Mark's last week that I was afraid she was going to rip a tail light right off the trailer. Would rather be going to the BCH trial project! There is another show next weekend.


  1. The BCH ride was really good. There were 3 groups that went out to work (like dogs!). The weather was perfect. I hope the girls were good for you and that the show went well.

  2. The show was good--the next blog post will reveal all! Glad you had fun! Wish I was there!
